Download Internet Explorer 9

Download Internet Explorer 9

You can download Internet Explorer 9 in the language that matches your version of Windows or choose the English version, which works with all versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7. For additional information, see How do I install or uninstall Internet Explorer 9?
If you need help finding out which version of Windows you're running, see Is my PC running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows?

Nero BurnLite 10 免費燒錄軟體

此版本的 Nero BurnLite 10 包括 CD 及 DVD 的簡易資料燒錄及光碟複製功能。

Nero Burning ROM先進的 CD、DVD 及 Blu-ray 光碟燒錄系統與複製技術在燒錄方面,發揮同類產品間最佳的水準。屢獲大獎肯定的 Nero Burning ROM 能夠燒錄和複製出最佳品質的 CD、DVD 及 Blu-ray 藍光光碟,其中採用的 SecurDisc 技術更可確保燒錄的資料不受刮傷、老化或光碟材質退化的影響。

免費的辦公室軟體 3.3.0 更新囉

Download 3.3.0

免費的GPL Ghostscript 9.01更新囉

免費的GPL Ghostscript 9.01更新囉

Highlights in this release include:
A new, robust CFF parser implemented in C (replacing the previous Poscript one),
tiffscaled device - this renders internally as tiffgray, but then downsamples by an integer scale factor (specified by -dDownScaleFactor=n) and error diffuses to 1bpp output. The tiffscaled device also implements limited minimum feature size functionality; by setting -dMinFeatureSize to 1, 2 or 3, the device output is guaranteed to generate minimum dot sizes as multiples of the final resolution, useful for devices that offer finer position control than dot size control.
Add DSC compatible output in ps2write.
Windows makefiles now support 64 bit builds on 64 bit systems.
A number of performance, memory use, and stability improvements with the new features introduced in 9.00, plus the usual bug fixes.
We have also dropped support for Watcom and Borland development environments. These had not been maintained for some time, and were suffering "bit rot".
Thanks to everyone whose hard work made this release possible!

gs901w32.exe, GPL Ghostscript 9.01 for 32-bit Windows (the common variety).
gs901w64.exe, GPL Ghostscript 9.01 for 64-bit Windows (x86_64).

Apple iOS 4.3 Software Update

iOS 4.3 Software Update 推出更新的功能,讓你將 iPhone、iPad 與
iPod touch 的表現發揮得更淋漓盡致。此軟體更新不須額外付費,容易操作,你可以立即下載。


只要將你的裝置接上你的 Mac 或 PC,然後依照 iTunes 螢幕上的指示執行。

The world’s most advanced mobile operating system keeps getting better. Download the free iOS 4.3 Software Update and get new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The software update is free. It’s easy. And you can download it right now.

Updating is easy.

Just connect your device to your Mac or PC and follow the onscreen instructions in iTunes.

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在線上編輯已轉換格式的檔案。 檔案類型和大小限制
轉換文件 - 檔案大小上限為 1 MB:
  • Microsoft Word (.doc 和 .docx)、OpenDocument 文字 (.odt)、StarOffice 文字 (.sxw)
  • RTF 格式 (.rtf)、純文字 (.txt)、HTML (.htm 和 .html)
轉換簡報 - 檔案大小上限為 10 MB:
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt 和 .pps)
轉換試算表 - 檔案大小上限為 20 MB:
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls、.xlsx) 檔案和 OpenDocument 試算表 (.ods)。
  • 逗號分隔 (.csv)
轉換繪圖 - 檔案大小上限為 2 MB:
  • Windows Metafile (.wmf)
轉換後的檔案可能無法完全支援某些功能,例如註腳、目錄、追蹤修訂、註解、內嵌圖表、樞紐分析表,以及投影片動畫。格式未轉換的檔案 (每個檔案最大 25MB) 將列入您的儲存空間配額。
轉換來自 PDF 或圖片檔案的文字 - 檔案大小上限為 2M:
  • 相片、已掃描的文件、螢幕擷取畫面等 (.jpg、.gif、.png)
  • PDF 檔案 (.pdf)

如何設定 Google 的 Picasa 上傳照片不佔1G的容量空間

試試看吧 ^ ^




SoundTaxi, Easily convert music / video files and various audio files to MP3, CD, iPod and other MP3 player file formats at high speed and CD quality - Free ...

SoundTaxi - Convert your DRM Protected and any Non-Protected Music ...

InkFormulation 6 油墨配色軟件

InkFormulation 6 油墨配色軟件

愛色麗公司發布第6版InkFormulation油墨配色軟件。愛色麗InkFormulation專為油墨制造廠和需要自行配制油墨的印刷廠而研發,為膠印油墨、柔性版印刷油墨、凹版印刷油墨和絲網印刷油墨提供快速、准確、一致的油墨配色、配方創建、存儲、審批和檢索解決方案。新版InkFormulation 6軟件令油墨提供商和印刷廠在油墨配方和種類上享有更大的靈活性,提高了基礎物料處理能力、可自動確定正確的油墨厚度、並有助於消除有害的廢墨。

When printers need special colors, delays in getting the right ink on press can cost precious time, result in costly waste and affect customer satisfaction. In addition, the rising cost of crude oil is affecting ink prices!
InkFormulation software provides a fast, accurate and consistent ink formulation, formula creation, storage, approval and retrieval solution for offset, flexographic, gravure and screen-printing inks. The new InkFormulation 6 software gives ink suppliers and printers more flexibility over recipes and assortments, improves basic materials handling, automatically determines the right ink film thickness and helps to eliminate hazardous waste.

Thanks to a sophisticated math engine that provides better prediction of ink interactivity with substrates, InkFormulation 6 is able to rapidly calculate the optimal and most cost-effective recipe based on the printing process, ink, illumination, pigment pricing, and number of components and materials to be used. InkFormulation 6 helps printers and ink suppliers speed up the ink formulation workflow process (including special inks), with consistent, reproducible results on a broad variety of substrates and ink film thicknesses, including transparent films and metalized substrates. It also increases color accuracy, helping to meet color specifications better than ever before. InkFormulation 6 also supports XRGA.

InkFormulation(這裡下載)v6.00v5.11 1/6/2011
InkFormulationv5.11v5.10 12/7/2009

EFI Colorproof XF 4.5

EFI Colorproof XF 4.5

EFI™ Colorproof™ XF, a professional-level RIP, enables you to manage color supply chain from design to production to output by providing you with all the tools to produce the best color, It allows you to produce ISO 12647-7 / 8 compliant validation printing and contract proofing and G7 compliant proofs on inkjet, laser and LED printers. The solution caters to ad agencies, prepress businesses, publishers, newspapers, packaging companies, full-service printing houses, semi-professional photographers and print shops.

Introducing the all-new Epson Proofing Edition Series Powered by EFI Colorproof XF 4.0

Epson America has launched the Epson Proofing Editions Series powered by EFI™ Colorproof™ XF v4.0 for Epson, Printer, Printer Stand, Media Catch Bin, Full Roll of 24” Epson Standard Proofing Paper 240, and 110 ml Starter Ink Cartridges on the Epson Stylus® Pro 7900 and 9900 Proofing Editions

Camtasia Studio桌面螢幕錄影也可以很專業


軟體王-資訊網站 Camtasia Studio "Camtasia Studio 是電腦螢幕畫面錄影、轉檔、編輯的影片工具軟體。"
使用者在電腦螢幕上的所有動作或螢幕上出現的畫面、動畫都可以藉由它錄成影片,也能包含聲音,錄製完成後的片子更可以加入文字、指標、或圖片來加強影片的說明效果。影片也能轉成多種常用格式包括 AVI、SWF(Flash 格式)、RM、MOV、WMV 和含有動畫的 GIF 圖檔。
Camtasia Studio 提供所有製作影片所需要的功能,從錄製、擷取、加入文字字元、圖片效果等,到轉檔、壓縮等功能,分別由包含在內的五個軟體,包括 Camtasia Recorder, Camtasia Producer, Camtasia Effects, Camtasia MenuMaker 及 Camtasia Player。
由 Recorder 錄影、Producer 將每個影格播放速度等做編輯、再透過 Effects 來增加各種效果,並且由 MenuMaker 增加文字、符號等說明功能,最後提供了 Player 來播放。
Camtasia Studio 各組件功能:
  • Camtasia Recorder:從電腦螢幕上錄製 AVI 影片,並可在影片中新增標題、浮水印、系統標記等
  • Camtasia Producer:把影片檔案或圖片檔案合併成電影輸出,可插入音訊
  • Camtasia Effects:把錄製的 AVI 檔案進行編輯,在影格中新增註釋、標題等,裁剪影片,新增轉換效果等,並可輸出為 exe 檔案
  • Camtasia MenuMaker:可以製作自行啟動(autorun)影片
  • Camtasia Player:內建播放器,可播放 Camtasia 電影製作器製作的 AVI 電影
  • 錄製
    • 可錄製全螢幕或部份螢幕之畫面
    • 可錄製網路攝影機之視訊
    • 可錄製旁白及系統音訊
    • 可錄製滑鼠點擊動作或鍵盤敲擊動作
    • 可加上重點標示及改變滑鼠鼠標等視覺效果
    • 可加入複選模式之測驗
    • 可使用快速鍵放大或縮小
    • 加入浮水印
    • 錄製的同時,可加入文字筆記
  • 編輯
    • 影片插入(WMV、MPEG 及 AVI 格式)
    • 聲音插入(WAV 及 MP3)
    • 圖片插入(BMP、JPG 及 GIF)
    • 提供使用者可點擊的區域,以變換至其他影格或網站連結
    • 可從應用程式錄製音訊(音效卡驅動程式附屬)
    • 為單一圖片錄製、編輯音效
  • 發佈出版
    • 可發佈輸出成工業標準格式:Macromedia Flash, AVI, Microsoft Windows Media, RealNetworks RealMedia and QuickTime
    • 可輸出成 Animated GIF 格式(動態 GIF)
    • 可發佈成 EXE 可執行檔格式
    • 可選擇輸出色彩深度及影格速率
    • 可選擇輸出之聲音品質
    • 可建立 CD-ROM 選單
    • 可自訂選單文字、水平文字以及字型
    • 可於 Flash 影片建立自訂的網頁選單
    • 輸出成 HTML 網頁格式
    • 自訂設定值以 XML 格式輸出

螢幕擷取 for Android

螢幕擷取 for Android

在Android Market就可以找的到囉,妹麥拉,砌塊賣.

天氣預報與時鐘小工具 for Android

天氣預報與時鐘小工具 for Android 2.3.3

如果系統已經Root更新,沒有HTC Sense的話,第一個要安裝的應用軟體,
天氣預報與時鐘小工具, 3D Digital Weather Clock,
在Android Market就可以找的到囉,妹麥拉,砌塊賣.

Android 2.3.3 for HTC Magic 來囉!

Android 2.3.3 for HTC Magic 來囉!
HTC Magic Android Gingerbread 2.3.3 Update

只要幾個簡單步驟刷ROM,就可以輕鬆升級到 Android 2.3.3 手機終極版
這次又修正了 Youtube HQ 與 Lights/leds bug


-USB tethering (with stock setting -> tethering works with Market apps)
-Games (you may have to move some of them to internal phone memory from SD card download optimized Angry

Birds here)
-Camcorder / video recording
-USB connect
-Phone calls
-Facebook sync
-Google voice search
-Smooth UI
-No FCs
-Most everything
-GB screen on/off animation
..To enable On/Off animations in this build:
..1. SpareParts: Enable both and put on Normal.
..2. Menu -> Settings -> Display -> Animation = Show All.
..3. CM Extra -> Display -> Rotate 180 = enable.
..4. CM Extra -> Display -> Rotate Screen On and Off = enable.
..This should work. If not reboot.

HTC Sapphire: myTouch 3G, MagicmyTouch 3G, Magic Android Development[Rom][32A][6.35] GBRider_Cronos_v1.8.0

(Android 2.3.3) (5-Mar-2011)

Camera and camcorder video recording working.


1. Backup
2. Wipe cache
3. Flash GB rom (
4. Flash gapps
5. Flash carz's
6. Flash GPS fix
7. Reboot

HTC magic成功刷ROM更新至Android 2.3.2加入薑餅人的行列囉
只要將 2.3.2)換成這裡下載)(Android 2.3.3)

Android Google 地圖 更新至5.2.0

Android Google 地圖 更新至5.2.0
提供 Google 地圖,同時享有導航(測試版),地方資訊(支援Hotpot)和定位功能

TeamViewer 輕鬆突破防火牆遠端遙控~遠端連線請朋友檢視維修電腦

TeamViewer 最新版 v6.0.10344 輕鬆突破防火牆遠端遙控

TeamViewer - the All-In-One Solution for
Remote Access and Support over the Internet

TeamViewer connects to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your partner's PC as if you were sitting right in front of it. Find out why more than 100 million users trust TeamViewer!

Share files with Dropbox! 設定"分享資料夾"


Did you know that you can use Dropbox to share files and collaborate on projects? You can do this using Dropbox shared folders:

- Shared folders are folders in your Dropbox that sync to other Dropbox users
- Share lots of files at once (size doesn't matter)!
- Receive notifications whenever changes are made by others

Sounds better than emailing files to each other, right?

申請 Dropbox免費網路空間-檔案雲端備份



C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Dropbox

在要分享的檔案上按右鍵>Dropbox>Copy Public Link 複製公開連結網址




如何利用 iTunes 10.2 將音樂光碟轉成mp3


選擇 編輯>偏好設定

點選 匯入設定

選擇 MP3 如下圖~這樣讀進來的檔案就都是MP3了





News: 2011-03-02 GoldWave v5.60 Beta Released.
News: 2010-08-25 GoldWave v5.58 Released.
GoldWave is a highly rated, professional digital audio editor. It's fully loaded to do everything from the simplest recording and editing to the most sophisticated audio processing, restoration, enhancements, and conversions. It is easy to learn and use, soget started now by downloading the free, fully functional evaluation version!

Play all your favourite songs and view real-time visuals. Listen to the audio while fast-forwarding or rewinding. Change the playback speed to hear your music in a whole new way, or to learn a song by ear, or transcribe dictation or a lesson.
Record any source your computer supports, including microphone, line-in, and what-you-hear. Connect a turntable to record LPs, a cassette deck to record tapes, a receiver to record radio, or a microphone to record your own music, speeches, or reports. Use the timer to start recording at a certain day and time. Use level activated recording to continue and pause recording automatically whenever the signal is above or below a given level.
Edit audio with all the basic commands such as CutCopyPaste,TrimReplace, and Overwrite. GoldWave's fast virtual editing means you can slice, dice, and merge large audio files in seconds. Mix and Crossfadesong together with just a few clicks. Whip together audio for podcasts, Flash animations, radio spots, PowerPoint presentations, or music for dance programs, figure skating, gymnastics, and aerobics.

iTunes 10.2 更新

iTunes 10.2 的新功能
• 與安裝 iOS 4.3 的 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 同步。

• 改進了 [家庭共享]。使用 [家庭共享] 來在安裝 iOS 4.3 的 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上瀏覽和播放 iTunes 資料庫。 

ApplePlan iPad 2 中文介紹影片


那~ iPad 一代呢?


LibreOffice 3.3.1 Final (2011-02-23)免費的辦公室軟體


LibreOffice 3.3.1 Final (2011-02-23)


Before downloading, please check the system requirements for your computer. You might also like to look at the release notes and read about the new features in this version. To download the right package for your particular needs, make selections from the two dropdown lists below.


Ubuntu - 供全人類使用的 Linux!

Ubuntu - 供全人類使用的 Linux!


Ubuntu 是完全開放源碼的作業系統,並建構在 Linux 核心上的作業系統。Ubuntu 社群是緊緊依著 Ubuntu 哲學的理念而建構成的:軟體可以免費取得,軟體工具在各種語言環境下皆可使用,且不會有任何功能上的差異;人們應有自訂和修改軟體的自由,且方式不受限制,只要他們自己認為合適。基於這些理由:

    * Ubuntu 永遠都是免費的,對於「企業版」也不會收取額外費用;我們將最好的工作成果,依照同樣的「免費」條款供每個人使用。
    * Ubuntu 包含了自由軟體社群應該提供最出色的翻譯和無障礙環境架構。唯有如此,才能令 Ubuntu 對盡可能多的人有用。
    * Ubuntu 將定期並有計畫的不斷發佈;每六個月就會有一個新版本。您可以使用當前穩定版本或開發中版本,我們將為每個版本提供至少 18 個月的支援。
    * Ubuntu 完全遵守開放源碼軟體開發的原則;我們鼓勵人們使用、改進並散佈開放原始碼軟體。

要瞭解更多,請造訪 Ubuntu 網站。

    * 1. 關於 Ubuntu 一詞
    * 2. 自由軟體
    * 3. 不同之處
    * 4. 桌面
    * 5. 版本和發行號
    * 6. 後援與支持
    * 7. 我要如何將 Ubuntu 更新到最新的版本呢?
    * 8. 何謂 Linux?
    * 9. 何謂 GNU?

Super-fast and great-looking, Ubuntu is a secure, intuitive operating system that powers desktops, servers, netbooks and laptops. Ubuntu is, and always will be, absolutely free.

Created by the best open-source experts from all over the world, Ubuntu is available in 24 languages and ready for download today.


JAVA更新到 Version 6 Update 24

何為 Java?

Java 可讓您玩線上遊戲、與世界各地的人聊天、計算貸款利息,並檢視 3D 影像,但還不只如此。Jave 更可整合作為企業運算基礎的企業內部網路應用程式和其他電子商務解決方案。

> 深入瞭解 Java 
> 下載 Java 

Android setcpu

SetCPU for Root Users
SetCPU for Root Users allows you to manage the CPU frequency settings of your Android device.
已經更新到 2.1.1a ~ 修正了 0 Hz 螢幕顯示等問題

HTC magic成功刷ROM更新至Android 2.3.2加入薑餅人的行列囉


HTC Magic Android Gingerbread 2.3.2 Update
此版修正了相機功能 ,真是超高興的啦


RadioSwitchGUI_v4.rar (這裡下載)

利用它來快速刷到 NEW Radio,SPL 1.76.2007

[BACK+POWER]~fastboot 後使用winrun.bat執行





(A)我用的ROM是這個 (這裡下載)

你也可以可慮用這個(二選一) (這裡下載)

(B)然後更新KERNEL (這裡下載)

(C)更新google apps (這裡下載) (這裡下載)
